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Call us: 01204 848481
E-mail us: info@impactinsurance.co.uk
Write to us: 625 Chorley Old Road, Bolton, BL1 6BJ
About Us
Established in 1997 Impact Insurance is a traditional Insurance Brokers, completely independently owned.
Over the years we have developed relationships with our insurance partners to enable us to offer our customers an insurance policy at the right price.
Impact Insurance is not a Call Centre or a faceless web site only Company, we have experienced people to deal with your enquiries.
We understand that all customers’ needs are different, by speaking directly with a member of our team we can establish your exact requirements and ensure your policy is correctly priced.
Insurance is a highly competitive business with many companies fighting for your business. We believe the best way to purchase your Insurance is through a Broker who you can talk to. We can arrange almost any type of insurance to suit your pocket.
We don't offer any advice nor make any recommendations.
We are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, our reference number is 304613.
Excess Protection
Key Cover
Public Liability
Employers' Liability
Young Drivers
Convicted Drivers
Named Driver
High Risk Liability
New Drivers
Let Property
Commercial Let Property
Home Insurance
Motor Trade
Special Type Vehicle
Driving School
Goods In Transit
Legal Cover
Taxi Fleet
Mini Fleet
Home Fleet
Commercial Car
Agriculutral Vehicle
Scrap Metal
Hair and Beauty
Holiday Home
Motor Home
Catering Van
Learner Driver
Contractors All Risks
Internet Price Match
Recovery Vehicles
One off Liability
Pet Insurance
Golf Insurance