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Call us: 01204 848481
E-mail us: info@impactinsurance.co.uk
Write to us: 625 Chorley Old Road, Bolton, BL1 6BJ
Motor Fleet
2 or more vehicles? A fleet may be cheaper
We have recently secured an excellent scheme to insure motor fleet policies. This is in addition to some great schemes we already have in place.
We can arrange cover for almost any type of vehicle, from large truck to private cars and agricultural vehicles.
We can arrange cover for most uses, from courier, to social domestic and pleasure.
We will always try to find you insurance at the right price.
We are an independant broker with no ties to any insurer, this helps in finding the best deal, as we'll arrange cover in the most cost effective way.
In some instances it may suit your needs to insure your vehicles separately. Just give us a call or put all your details into the quotation page and we'll do the rest.
Simply hit the 'Get Quote' button to be sent to the relavant quotation pages, alternatively call our office on 01204 848481.